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Professional Drone Survey and Mapping Services

Multi-Rotor Drone



Maximizing the Accuracy of Drone Survey Data with VFLYX’s Advanced Techniques

Pilot Expertise and Flight Planning
Quality Control

Thermal Imaging

Thermal cameras used to capture images of an area, which can be used to identify heat loss in buildings, locate leaks in pipelines, and more.

LiDAR Surveying

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a technology that uses laser beams to measure the distance between the drone and the ground. This type of drone survey and mapping can be used to create detailed 3D models of an area, and is particularly useful for surveying rugged or hard-to-reach terrain.

Aerial Photography and Videography

High-resolution cameras and sensors used to capture aerial images and videos of an area. These images and videos can be used to create detailed maps and 3D models, as well as to provide visual documentation of an area.

Multispectral Imaging

This type of drone survey and mapping uses cameras that capture images in multiple wavelengths of light, providing data on crop health, soil moisture, and more.

01. Planning

The first step in the process is to plan the survey or mapping project. This includes determining the area to be surveyed or mapped, identifying any potential obstacles or hazards, and selecting the appropriate equipment and software. In Planning, our team of experts at VFLYX will work closely with the client to understand their specific needs, and will create a detailed plan that outlines the scope of the project, the equipment and software that will be used, and any potential challenges or obstacles that may need to be addressed. This step is critical for ensuring the success of the project, and is an important part of delivering accurate and reliable data.

02. Data Collection

Flying the drone over the area to be surveyed or mapped, using specialized cameras, sensors, and software to collect data. The data collected can include aerial images, videos, 3D models, and other types of data depending on the type of survey or mapping being conducted. Our team of pilots at VFLYX are fully trained and experienced in flying drones, and will use their expertise to ensure that the data collection is completed safely and efficiently. We use state-of-the-art drones to ensure that we are able to capture high-quality data that will be useful for the client.

03. Analysis

After the data has been collected, it is analyzed to extract valuable information. This analysis can include creating detailed maps, 3D models, and other data products that can be used for various applications. The analysis process can involve using specialized software such as Pix4D, Agisoft and other tools to process and analyze the data. This step is critical for extracting useful information from the data, and can include tasks such as creating digital terrain models, calculating volume measurements, and identifying specific features or areas of interest

04. Reporting

This report will include all of the data collected, as well as any relevant information and analysis that has been performed. The report can be in various forms like PDF, excel, and GIS files. The report should be user-friendly and easy to understand, and will be tailored to the specific needs of the client. The report should also include recommendations and suggestions for further action based on the results of the survey or mapping project. This can include things like maintenance plans, monitoring plans, and other recommendations that will help the client make informed decisions and improve their operations.

05. Further Action

Based on the report, the client can take further action like making decisions, planning and maintenance, monitoring, etc. The report will provide the client with the data they need to make informed decisions and improve their operations. For example, if the survey or mapping project was conducted for a construction site, the client may use the data to plan and execute the construction process more efficiently. Similarly, if the project was conducted for an agricultural field, the client may use the data to monitor crop health, and plan irrigation and fertilization. The report may also include recommendations for monitoring and maintenance, which can help the client to identify potential issues and take action to prevent them before they become major problems.